Welcome To Isoko Association's Web Page

Welcome To Isoko Association's Web Page.... Isoko, Wa Doo!!! .......The next general Meeting date is TBA. Please come back soon... Isoko, Wa Doo!!!...

The Isoko Association of Atlanta Incorporated is a not-for -profit association registered in the state of Georgia.

We the sons and daughters of Isoko of Delta state of Nigeria living in the Atlanta area of Georgia State, being cognizant of our heritage, roots and responsibilities to our people here and at home, resolve to unite as a body to promote our culture and mutually contribute to the advancement of all Isoko people where-ever they may be.


General membership is open to all Isoko sons and daughters living in the Atlanta area regardless of marital statues. Membership is also opened to all wives/husband of Isoko origin and their offspring as well as the offspring of our unmarried sons/daughters living in the Atlanta area.


  • To promote lasting unity and solidarity among Isoko people wherever they may live.
  • To encourage, support and foster economic and social welfare of the Isoko people.
  • To promote cultural advancement of our people within the community we live, and at home.
  • To promote, support and actively participate in the development of Isoko land and its people.
  • To morally and/or financially support educational aspirations of our people within the limits of our resource.
  • To actively support efforts that enhance good relations among Isoko people, and work in tandem with any organization around the world with similar interest.

We hope you have enjoyed your visit to this site. Please let us know if you need our help in any way. Again, Thank you for visiting our web site.

Christie Uziewe

Email the President

Please help us with your financial support follow the link to see how... Thanks.


Or write us at:
Isoko Association of Atlanta, Inc
P.O. Box 54699
Atlanta, Ga. 30308

This Web Site was Designed and Created by Emmanuel Ojo.
Copyrighted © 2002             Originally Created June, 2002

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